Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Let me introduce you to LK. We met almost four years ago as members of the writing program at DePaul and I was sure we would be friends as soon as I knew that she liked fast food hot dogs and authentic bluegrass music. I later learned that she likes to jump up and down and shake her booty any time there is any kind of a beat in the air- she is a dancing queen. And that pretty much sealed the deal. Just a couple of years out of grad school and she's already an award winning writer who kicks my butt around and makes me write things and turn them in to her like homework assignments. Actually, it's a mutual thing (she's not as bossy as I make her sound). It's a true gift to get to talk shop with a talented writer on a regular basis. I've learned loads from Miss LK.
Oh and LK's five favorite things are:
1. Riding the train
2. Chicken enchiladas
3. Playing cards
4. Making little kids laugh
5. Dorky folk music

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