Friday, June 27, 2008

I am so cracked up right now...

Of course I forgot my camera this morning, but while walking Max this morning I saw these stickers stuck all over that said "Reptilian Body Snatchers" and had the image of the pyramid and the eye from the back of the dollar bill. I figured it was a band or something, and maybe it is, but when I came home and googled, I found a wonderful conspiracy theory that basically claims that the world is run by reptile aliens. Everyone is in on it, George Bush, Hilary Clinton, the Queen of England, Johnny Depp. Apparently there is a must-read book on the topic calledThe Body Snatchers and I got such a side ache from laughing that I must share the book description with you all. Does anyone else get the feeling that Brian is probably the ex of a very jaded girlfriend?

From the Introduction

This is a book about an alien race and how they are taking over the planet. This alien race is known as the reptilians; actually they are called the Draconians. The biblical term is the Nephilim or fallen angels and obviously Satan. David Icke talks a lot about them in his books9. Capt Bill Robertson whose books I have just discovered described them as Marcabians, an alien race operating to take over the planet who are able to take over adult bodies. Bill Robertson died prematurely of a brain tumour in his fifties! I think maybe they killed him for his knowledge.

Andrew Hennessy provides evidence that they are in fact dragons and I myself get a mental image of a wide jaw with sharp teeth roaring in a blood curdling way, -- a bit like a dragon This occurs when the reptilian host that I have been targeted by tried to harm me. It may be that they are in fact dragons that do not fire breath. I was targeted because I was doing a higher consciousness course called "Awakening your light body" by Luminescence and the reptilians wanted to know more about it so they could stop it.


I want to warn any one else working at higher consciousness about what the reptilians are doing, exposing it may stop it. I had become involved with a reptilian who had taken over a human spirit and body who I will call Brian, he had been body snatched. They are doing this a lot now, hiding behind a human body, convincing us that this human is still only human when its not. Brian was reptilian through and through bar his emotions.

What human could be as evil as he? He is cruel to a tee, relishing pain; telepathic with extraordinary mental abilities, I have seen him as a reptilian although at the time I didn't know this is what he was. I am absolutely convinced and have lots of evidence. Not only that but there were two reptilian spirits, his guides, attached to me for three years since getting involved with him, now they have gone.

They had been seen and identified by twenty entity removers.

Here are my personal experiences of a man who is actually a reptilian.

Publisher's Note:

This book has been a year in production. It is not your usual literary fair, nor is it your usual metaphysical research material. It contains the experiences of the author with a Draconian Reptilian entity. It is blow by blow, word by word.

It will be difficult for most of us to relate to, since we have never encountered or at least not 'knowingly' been invaded by a an alien spirit or entity.

It would be easy to discount such experiences as those of a lunatic. However, such experiences have been related since the beginning of human knowledge. Such experiences are referred to biblically.

At the same time, knowing or being aware that such things are possible, will make us more aware of unseen principalities and powers.

Read it with the intent to broaden or open your mind to the possibilities, and in this author's mind the 'realities'.

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