Sunday, June 29, 2008

Deep Dish

We had friends from out-of-town last night. They had never been to Chicago and so, quite naturally, came seeking true chicago style pizza. We took them to our personal favorite, Gino's East (they have the sauciest sauces and killer cornmeal crust).

Here a description, straight from Wikipedia (because it's Sunday night and I'm at my laziest), of how Chicago style pizza is made.

"The pizza begins with a simple, thick layer of dough (made with olive oil and cornmeal) that is laid into a deep round pan and pulled up the sides, then parbaked before the toppings are added to give it greater spring; the pan is generally oiled heavily in order to create a fried effect on the outside of the crust. The crust is covered with cheese (generally sliced mozarella) and covered with meats and/or vegetables such as Italian sausage (a Chicago staple), onions, and bell peppers. A sauce, usually uncooked, of crushed or pureed tomatoes is then added. Typically this is finished with a grated cheese blend. On the usual pizza, about a pound of cheese is used.[citation needed] Deep-dish pizza is usually eaten with a knife and fork, since its thick gooeyness makes a slice of pizza larger than eight or ten inches messy to eat with the fingers."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was very very good! Good choice! The saucier the pizza, the better.