Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Charmed Life

So. I'm finally coming down from my high long enough to write this. (Though I'm still quite high.) Last Thursday as I left Spanish class, I drove past Wrigley Field where I could hear Billy Joel and Elton John singing "My Life" from inside the friendly confines. I sat in my car and merely envied all the people within and watched a bunch of cops bob their heads to the music and direct traffic. Just then, I kid you not, I see a text to my phone which reads "Do you like Billy Joel and Elton John?" Long story short, my friend Erin (who has connections to someone who works for Elton John) appointed me the Chosen One, the one who (for free) got to sit front row, or rather, stand ten feet away from, both Elton John, Billy Joel, and two pianos last night at their second Wrigley concert. It was incredible. I even got flicked in the face with Billy's sweat (and I'm pretty sure he chuckled at me when I was grossed out). They were both captivating and as talented as ever. (Who needs to write more songs when you already have so many winners?) What a night! Thanks again Erin.

Here are a few snaps that I still can't believe were taken with my very own point-and-shoot:

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Charmed and Charming, you are. What a night for you!!