Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Stand by Me

I was at a Starbucks this morning and there was a tune playing that I liked.
"Hey," I asked the barista, "which of your nicely packaged impulse buy cds is this off of?"
He went and looked and it was from a cd (that they were sold out of) called Playing for Change: Song Around the World. This guy traveled all over the world to record street performers and sort of mashed them together (for certain songs) and put together a compilation both in movie and album form I think. I'm not sure of which song I heard while ordering coffee, but the barista recommended that I get online and check out Stand by Me. I did. And I thought it was pretty sweet.


Unknown said...

ha - my dad gifted this to me a few months ago. it's fantastic.

Annie said...


Anonymous said...

That rocks!
