Friday, November 6, 2009


I'm kind of burnt out on this blog. And the cooling of the weather puts me in a real funk (though today was beautiful in Chicago). Thanks to some inspiration from LK...her reminder of my love for lists, especially as defense mechanisms, I will take the next while to use this piece of cyberspace as a place to list the things I like about cold weather/this time of year. This is obviously just a way to kid myself.

#1 Co Co Wheats!

Co Co wheats, Co Co wheats can't be beat.
It's the creamy hot cereal with the co co treat.
To be big and strong, have lots of fun,
Eat Co Co Wheats everyone!

(Ask for yummy Co Co Wheats today!)


Jillian said...

It must be a Nebraska thing...the Co-Co one else seems to know what they are, let alone eat them! I love 'em!

Erin said...

I think it spills over into Kansas as well--I, too, love CoCo Wheats! :)