Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm a sucker. I open the door to Jehovah's Witnesses. And today two friendly people told me that someday soon the world is going to be perfect. Which is a nice thing to hear, especially on a Monday.
It turns out that in a perfect world you'll find these guys (and deer and waterfalls) all over the place. sure is stormy all over these feats of science...
And volcanic all over these coke sniffers and doctors and nurses...
But someday things will get better. And, then, blue-eyed blonds with windy hair for everyone.
And no more war!  (Um. But. Then. Big strong dude? Why the swordsmithing?)

At least I'll have questions for when they come back.


Jillian said...

Oh come on Jessie, you mean to say you don't believe these guys? :) :)

Andrea said...


Until such time... said...

I was just reading blogs and clicking on "next post" at the top and found this and I have to say. You're very clever. I'll probably come back. Funny stuff.

Erin said...

So how long did they have you in their Aryan clutches?