Our dinosaur pc is dying a slow painful death. In an attempt to begin a file and photo rescue mission, I started flipping through old photos that never saw the light or a printer. This one (taken a few years ago in Dyersville, IA) made me smile because it looks like Wes is carrying a a very small lady on his hip and that his knees are...made of cardboard?
And on the topic of my brothers and silliness. While doing a memoir exercise with my seniors, I started writing about watching these two little squeaks play nintendo in the family room when they were kids. They would bounce all over that room with those controls in their hand. Sometimes the box went flying. And even when they were forced to turn it off, they would continue to play the various nintendo games simply by turning on each other with tackles, or ninja moves, or fireballs.
And now, take a moment to enjoy a piece of the good life (as stolen directly from Adam's blog.)
If I get fired today, this little link will be the culprit.
lol. I should have people sign a waiver before they read this post. Please do not sue me for damages!
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