Sunday, May 4, 2008


Today we drove out to the western suburb of Wheaton, IL where our little friend Melanie taught Eric how to hold a baby correctly. Fun fact: Wheaton has 63 churches within city limits, and 30 more in surrounding unincorporated areas. According to the Genus Edition of Trivial Pursuit, there are "more churches per capita than any other town in America." There is also a college in Wheaton that I visited years ago. It was actually a trip to their C.S. Lewis Library (full of C.S. Lewis books) (who I was writing a paper on). Anyhow, the library was cool but the campus seemed strange. Maybe it was the time of day or something but everyone walking around seemed sedated. A couple years later I saw a documentary where people from Wheaton College were arguing that there were dinosaurs on Noah's arc. So I've decided that they must do a lot of drugs.

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